Evangelical Baptist Camp

John 14:6

Kids Camp Date: Saturday July 18 to Saturday July 25, 2020
Staff forms available: Friday March 20, 2020
Camper registration opens Wednesday April 1, 2020

about ebc

We are a Christian Summer Camp and Conference Center offering programs for children, youth and families. Established in 1970, EBC Kids Camp has been providing a fun week-long overnight program for kids ages 7-13 every July.

learn more

2020 theme

This year's theme is Concrete and Cranes.

booking grounds

  • Evangelical Baptist Camp sits on 79 acres and is located beside Lake Belwood in Fergus,Ontario.  We are located about 30 minutes from Guelph, On. The site can accommodate up to 110 people, with the main accomodations being in the “barn”. EBC uses a man made pond for swimming and water recreational activities. There is a simple walking trail on the property and several outdoor spaces that can be used for sports and recreation. There is also a house on the property where our camp property managers will soon be residing.

    Contact Us →

Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Matthew 6:33

upcoming events

Children's Ministry


Youth retreat is the perfect place for teens and young adults to learn, grow and serve.

This is a weekend worth visiting.

Youth Ministry


Summer conference is a great way to get connected with other believers from around the region.

Get connected!

Men's Ministry


Each year we host a camp wide clean up so we can serve each ministry with great value.

Dont miss the chance to bless the whole of EBC.


Kids camp is here! Limited spots are available each year so be sure to sign your kids up before the spots run out!

Camp dates: July 18 -25 (2020)